Way of a Yacht : An Introduction to the Comparative Anatomy of Offshire Sailing CraftWay of a Yacht : An Introduction to the Comparative Anatomy of Offshire Sailing Craft epub online

- Author: Alan Hollingsworth
- Published Date: 08 Aug 1974
- Publisher: DAVID & CHARLES
- Format: Hardback::112 pages
- ISBN10: 0715363425
- File size: 31 Mb
- Filename: way-of-a-yacht-an-introduction-to-the-comparative-anatomy-of-offshire-sailing-craft.pdf
- Dimension: 190x 250mm
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First US edition. 135,(1) pp. Illustrated. The Way of a Yacht An Introduction to the Comparative Anatomy of Offshire Sailing Craft. Hollingsworth, Alan
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